Restoring your home?
Taking care of an aging or historic home is a huge responsibility but one that comes with countless rewards. Our personable painters and restoration experts will give you the experienced craftsmanship you need to restore any space.
Professionalism at its best!
Inviting strangers into your home to complete a restoration project can be risky and scary. We guarantee the highest level of professionalism on-site and we treat your home as if it were our own prized possession. In addition, we sweep and clean up debris when finished, taking personal responsibility for your complete satisfaction.
FREE Color Consultations
Choosing a period specific color is especially important when restoring an old home. Some home owner associations may even have restrictions on what you can choose. Allow us to provide you with a FREE color consultation so you can get the color you want that fits within local housing codes.
Home Restoration Services:
- Interior Painting
- Exterior Painting
- Deck Restoration
- Trim Work
- Power Washing
- Custom Door Framing
- Post Job Clean-up